作为B Corp成员, GeoWise承诺不断优化企业的社会和环境影响力,致力于搭建有益向善的商业模模式,努力践行Use business as a force for good.
商业向善 Bussiness For Good
作为B Corp成员,GeoWise承诺不断优化企业的社会和环境影响力,致力于搭建有益向善的商业模式。As a member of B Corp, GeoWise is committed to optimizing our business's social and environmental impact and building a business model for good.
关注地球 Care for earth
GeoWise专注提供可持续包装解决方案同时,也关注自身环境效益--我们正在认证成为碳中和组织的过程中。GeoWise focuses on providing sustainable packaging solutions while also focusing on its own environmental benefits - we are in the process of being certified as a carbon-neutral organization.
20%收益回馈 20% giving back
GeoWise承诺每年将20%的利润捐赠给慈善事业,资助如拯救蜂蜜等环保项目,并旨在与公众透明分享所有记录。 GeoWise is committed to donating 20% of its annual profits to charity, funding environmental projects such as Save the Honey, and aims to share all records transparently with the public.